Monday, September 22, 2008

flickr group & giveaway!

SO...I've started a flickr group and looking forward to seeing what you are creating with products!! Click on this link and simply join then post your projects! There'll be a contest every month where I'll select my most fave layout and if your layout is chosen, you'll get a goody pack--FUN!!

I'm in a giveaway mood cause i'm super happy...I just went into work thinking i was gonna work 5 days straight but discovered that i'm only doing 3 days! Woohoo!! So leave me a comment on this post to let me know what you think of anything related to For example...what do you like most? what do you want to see more of? what don't you like? what do you think of this blog? the new flickr group? etc. and you'll be entered into a draw to win some goodies! i'll pick a name on Saturday:)



Anonymous said...

I love your button flowers and my favorite is assorted button paper flowers MIX 3! I like seeing the variations in the background paper and the bright color combinations!

Lynette C said...

I love all the scrapbooks you have in your esty store. Very unique and beautiful.

deb said...

I adore your flowers made with buttons and wool, especially the pink and black, just adorable!!!!!!!

{ Yu'er } said...

I love all the vintage buttons and the way how you put together with the flowers. Also love the album and kits in your shop, very beautiful stuff indeed.

just lisa said...

I love your your button flowers and felt buttons - beautiful! I am so happy that I found your site and ordered some from you!

Thank you!

Terri Paulson-Sasaki said...

I am loving the halloween goodies. Yummy

Anonymous said...

Your buttons are quite amazing.I love the use of the dictionary pages :]

i would love to see more of your quote bubbles. I personally enjoy seeing them.

Anonymous said...

Just checked our your evalicious.etsy sight - super beautiful buttons! LOVE the flowers...but do you seriously make each one by hand?!?! That looks so time consuming!

Anyway, you remember me? We always run into e/o @ garage sales - and every time I'm shopping there you are too! We moved to Victoria - visit my blog too: to chat :)

Kim said...

I love the scrapbooks that you make. They are beautiful!

oh, hello friend. said...

such lovely items in your shop, i've been following it for a while now! && i ♥ this blog because it is such a great source of inspiration! congrats on all the success!

+ danni from california,