Been totally drooling over this knitted bear hat by Vivianna from Polkadotrobots.com.

bitofwhimsyprims.etsy.com is having a 5000 sales milestone celebration and offering 50% off all their epatterns. I bought practically all of them a while back but this sale is HUGE. A coworker just had a baby girl and I'm looking forward to pulling out the sewing maching and epatterns and making her a cute one:). Today's the last day of the sale.

photo credit: http://www.laurareivephotography.com/
Just bought this over at Etsy. Starting to have baby fever:P. Waiting for one more treatment of laser hair removal therapy before we start trying:).
Love the toque! And the panda!
I just got your email. YAY! I am so happy you have one now! i really excited that i found your blog! I love everything you make. I was a little sad that i missed out on Everyday Vintage Art Journal kit. I look forward to buying more of you kits.
Thanks for the info. I've been looking for a doll pattern and I found it tonight, plus a few more.
Too cute for words!
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