Dec 8 assignment: signs of Christmas

Dec 9 assignment: yearly traditions. Eddie takes me on a Christmas light tour. It's more like a pre-run because he's planning out the routes that he'll drive his bus load of seniors (residents from the care facility he works at).

the backside of the photo - journaling strips.

Dec 10 assignment: a little journaling about wrapping paper that I used that year. This little page was tucked inside the page envelope.

Dec 11 assignment: Our little norfolk pine was our Christmas tree for the last 2 years. This year, Eddie's mom gave us her Charlie Brown christmas tree so we'll get to put that up:). Can't wait!

Dec 12 assignment: a little comparison about how 2007 was different from 2006.

the journaling

Dec 13 assignment: on opening gifts

Dec 14 assignment: Christmas songs! Another all time favourite of mine is Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. It took me forever to convince Eddie that this song existed. He kept thinking I was nuts for singing the wrong lyrics to another Christmas classic.

The backside to the above.

Dec 15 assignment: on visitors - those who visited and those we visited.
Eddie's dad who we missed having visit that Christmas and onwards because he passed away in May 2007.
Just a little slow on my entries this year but I'm okay with that. Trying to enjoy the season and making a note in my iPhone of my daily activities (even when they're not Christmasy). Just journaled about the first few assignments on the backside of the printouts. Need to clean studio first then will get creating.
How's your journal coming along?
PS did everyone get their journals in the mail yet???
I received mine a while ago. I meant to leave a comment but I was so excited I just jumped right in and forgot everything else. Thank you for putting it together and leaving me the fun part.
I'm already so behind on my daily Dec. album.
Eve I love that you share your wonderful creations! I received my journal a couple weeks ago and I have so many ideas of what I want to do with it. I had to finish some Christmas projects, but I'm hoping to start on my December album this week!!
Thanks for sharing your album. I love it. So clever. It's inspiring me to keep going on mine. I've started my Dec Daily album, have the photos gathered and the thoughts, just gotta put it together. I'd love to see more of yours.
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