Was so excited that these were so popular and sad that they were no longer available because they were all sold out. Happy again now cause they're back in stock:). Have been really having fun replenishing stock for my shop. Feels good to make stuff. Feels good to feel good again:).
Belly's sure getting big:). Got approximately 6 more weeks of work work left then got some vacation time and then mat leave starts shortly after mid-May. Where's the time gone???
Can't wait to share my next art journal...it's still in the works and hopefully will be available by end of the month.
BTW I had another baby brain moment. I usually work Weds - Friday at the Health Unit so I sat in 2 hours of traffic on Weds to get into work a little late only to find out that my set didn't start till Thurs (once a month I would work Thurs to Sunday)!!! Looking forward to 2 days off:)
1 comment:
Boo :( Of course right after I placed my order. Guess I'll have to place another one?!
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