Kaitlin's blog post a few weeks ago and decided to purchase one. We have the Baby Bjorn that a friend gave us (thanks Naomi!) but with my mastitis and (constantly engorged) boobs, it wasn't the option for me because the straps would press against them in the front. So for the last 2 months, I've been holding her on/off in the upright position and not getting much done in the meanwhile. I dreamt of being able to make stuff while wearing her cause I felt guilty for leaving her in the bouncy chair or lying down (didn't want her head to get any flatter). With
this wrap there's no pressure on my breasts at all. Sure Myelle screamed bloody murder the first time I put her in it so I was deterred but she's been super fussy and crying her little heart out the last few evenings that I stuck her in it on Sunday. She was crying so hard anyway right? I don't know if it was from having to go in the wrap or some other reason. As soon as she was snugged in, she went out like a light :). Halleluja!! I've been using it everyday to take her for morning and evening walks since. Doesn't she look so stinkin' cute and cozy?
i don't have any children, but she does look very cute!
She looks like one happy lil sweet pea.~Enjoy Kim
Eve, she is such a cutie, and looks so very comfortable. Great that you found a solution!
Oh baby! That looks amazingly comfy. And Myelle is surely breaking a law with all that cuteness. I wore a baby carrier (it was ugly as heck, but super comfy)with Bryn cos she was fussy and loved to be cuddled. I ended up getting pretty proficient with her in it. I also remember baking and icing a fancy fish birthday cake while Bashi was in the carrier. They're a lifesaver!
She looks adorable! You two look so sweet together.
Does the wrap feel completely comfortable? like giving no strain on the back or anything?
I can't believe how adorably cute she is!
Motherhood totally becomes you!
Thanks ladies:)
Christine, The wrap feels awesome! No strain on any part of my body. I'm still getting used to the tying tension. I've used it a handful of times since getting it and everytime it's different but no strain on my back though. Myelle just ends up a little lower or higher on my chest that's all. There's a ton of info on the wrap on their site (sleepywrap.com).
I absolutely love our moby wrap. I didn't get mine until Lydia was older, so I only used it for a couple weeks...However, I am convinced they are more comfortable then the bjorn and can't wait to use it on our little one whenever they decide to come into this world.
She looks so adorable sleeping. Much cuter than when she is crying.
The Sleepy Wrap was the BEST thing we bought, and now I buy it for everyone I know who is pregnant! I kept seeing it in magazines, and I'm so glad we got it...I used it all the time. My husband even used it! It came in handy with the super cold (for us!) winter we had down here when he was still brand new.
I LOVE my sleepy wrap!!! It's the best, best, best!
Wraps are the best! I just couldn't find one when I needed one! no worries about the bjorn.
I just found your blog via Ali Edwards. I LOVE this wrap!!! My bambina (about the same age as yours) and I could not make it a day without it! I also hear your pain about the mastitis!!! Honestly, the worst thing EVER!!! Love your blog! I ordered your Christmas goodie/album kit and I cannot wait to get it!!! Keep up the good work and snuggle that baby until she screams... thats what I do... they cant have too many kisses... its impossible!
I also ment to share this site with you, http://www.sleepsense.net. I saw on one of your posts you mentioned nights were pretty unpredictable. This book is AMAZING! My 3.5 mo old sleeps through the night!!! Just thought that I would share.
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