Wednesday, July 24, 2013

what's going on lately and ramblings | update

Hi everyone:). As you can tell from how quiet the blog has been, the design team has ended their term. They did such an awesome job - don't you think? I really miss their presence on this blog. I thought about a call for a new team but concluded that it wouldn't be fair since I've decided to take a break from designing new items for the shop. I'm taking this time to re-evaluate business plans, to spend more time with family and to just do more for myself. Eddie and I received some devasting news in early June so the break that I already had was much appreciated.

A while back, my goal with this shop was to make enough of an income to supplement my part-time nursing job. Then I somehow got into ordering a ton of quantity of stuff because that's how I justified the pricing of items. That led to working nonstop and a lot of stress. And while I really appreciate the response I got from my shop goods, I was in no way equipped to handle the response. I'm still mainly a one-woman team. Also, our little 1600 sq ft townhome just cannot accommodate the amount of shop items that were piling up as new items arrive and the older items become less popular. Recording my memories were also neglected as my focus shifted to creating fun stuff for others to record their memories. Loved that I was able to do that for others but felt so very guilty that my little girl won't have anything to look back on during this time. So that's my story lately. I already feel a lot more relaxed the last 1.5 months because of the quiet summer months and because people tend to spend more time outside/on vacation and spend less time shopping for scrapbooking goods.

My current goals for the shop is to continue cleaning up this space. Eddie put up these peg boards in early June to hold all the shop goods. Sorry photos are not the greatest - I'm using my iPhone more lately. They make fine smaller prints but just look really grainy on the web.

Eddie decided it was a good idea to take away my work table and replace it with this unit. He obviously wasn't thinking that I just might want to do some scrapbooking now and then. The table has moved back in from time this photo was taken. Haha!

I finally decided to give Project Life a go. My week one was July 1-7! Stay tuned for my pages:) My current problem right now is how to stop taking so many photos.

She is growing up way too fast - enjoying her more and being less hung up on little things. Oh, and Love and Logic Magic helps too. Read that book and have been practicing techniques on her. It's so much calmer in this household now.
I probably passed by this a handful of times and just noticed it last week. Her little stereo next to the big kitchen stereo - of course put there by her. Cute.

So grateful that we have a waterpark near our place. We go here every week with my friend Yol and her boys.

Ever seen one of these? The first time I did, I had to do a second take. She's getting good at it too.

Yep, that's Mylo at the bottom of the photo. He's still around and healthy but Eddie commented that the boy is slowing down. He turned 7 a few months ago. I think he'll have a quite a few more years with us - thanks to the raw food he's on.

Really loving this summer. We got some hot days but it's been mostly nice and tolerable. Kinda feels like we're nearing the end of summer lately. Maybe it'll pick up again in August.

Hope your summer is fun so far!
xx, Eve


Lizzy Hill said...

Good on you for taking the time to work out what is 'right' for you & your family ATM :):):) looks like you're having a. P wonderful summer!!!!

Julia L. said...

Thank you for the update.

I started PL last year after constantly feeling bad for not documenting important and not so important events in my children's life. It's been like a huge burden had been lifted off me doing PL.

I've been using the Seafoam edition, some of your and Kelly Purkey's products and everything looks fun and simple. Some weeks I even use smaller inserts from Simple Stories in case I don't have enough content or time.

BTW, last but not least - your daughter is beautiful. I can't believe how much she has grown, I hadn't checked in in while. You have a beautiful family.

Jessica G. said...

I have been reaally wanting to learn more software to design my own products like you do. I wish there was a way for me to get into the shop with you! I would SO love that!! I'm dying for more artistic things to do along with my drawing, painting, and scrapping!

If you ever want some long distance help/partner, just let me know!

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