Saturday, January 3, 2009

can't believe it's over

I hope everyone had a good holiday! i can't believe it's over!! I didn't find that there was as big of a build up to Christmas as it was last year. I guess it's cause the decorations came up way later than they did last year and the snow didn't come right on December 1st (even though we have a big dump of it now) AND I chose to work on Christmas & Boxing day. I'll never open my big mouth again. Christmas just doesn't feel the same when one has to work:( And now i've got this stupid cold. GRRR. I know I'm sick when i can't sit still at my studio table to play--all i wanna do is lie down! All this going to bed late and working lots caught up with me.

So i've been occasionally raving about this little gadget but thought "nah, do i really need a hefty phone bill each month? Is it really worth it." Everyone i know (almost everyone) has one and it sure is cool and would be convenient when i'm out and about and need to take care of Etsy shop business (relisting items, answering emails, etc). Little did I know what was waiting in my stocking for me on Christmas eve!! Eddie, you're awesome!

It's so cool! But i'm getting really lazy now as a result! Instead of jumping up out of bed in the morning to turn on the computer to take care of shop business, I lie in bed to do it. So cool though! My husband comes up with all these cool gift ideas and surprises the crap outta me sometimes. For those of you who don't know me around the time he proposed...he did it on Christmas Eve and with a handmade scrapbook titled "why i love eve". I really just thought it was a cute little book with a gift card to the local sb store at the end (because he used up all my supplies to make me the book) but instead it turned out to be a proposal on the last page (with an "eve, will you marry me?"). It's a pretty nice mini album too I might add (Prima flowers and all LOL!). He even used a cheap ol' glue stick to past everything on so he wouldn't waste my Glue Dots or Terrifically TAcky tApe. Ha!

Ok i'm getting excited with the next update on my shop. I'm working hard so please be patient. There'll be a little giveaway again on Ali's blog on January 14th. There's a new mini album (Valentine's themed with manly colours), restock of my Love mini album (can be used for weddings or general love theme if you want to go with feminine colours), restock of coptic journals and some more embellishments.

Have a great rest of the weekend. I gotta go to bed so I can wake up early and trek out in the snow to my other job tomorrow.


k said...

I have the iPod Touch and I do the same thing in the morning - check my email in bed, instead of getting up to turn on the computer. Too funny.

p.s. I love your etsy products!

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