Monday, September 7, 2009

winner for the giveaway is...

elisaingram!! I used to generate a number and that number belonged to you Elisa:). Please email me with your address and I'll get your $15 worth of Evalicious goodies out to you on Tuesday. Thanks for playing everyone!

Okay don't laugh at me but I just recently (maybe 2-3 weeks ago) clued in on how to take photos of the image that is displayed on my iPhone screen. I think I was trying to power off my phone one day a few months back and I heard the camera shutter noise that I hear when I'm taking photos with it but thought-that's funny I don't even have the camera on. I shared this discovery with my friend Karen when I saw her and she didn't know either! So here we were 10pm at night, snapping and giggling away at this new discovery. Pretty silly huh? I'm totally not super computer savvy so discoveries like these totally make me smile:).

Took this of my shop that evening.

For those of you who don't know-you hold down the "power off" button and the "main menu" button at the same time for one second and voila

I love my phone the more I know how to use it:). I was told by a customer that she was looking forward to using the back to school button apples on a layout about her love for her iPod/iPhone. What a great idea! Think I'll go make one too:)

Eddie did this and the trusty iPhone was nearby:). We called it the Mylo sandwich. LOL!

Think we're gonna head to the PNE in Vancouver for a few hours today and enjoy some time together. Or maybe the mall if it rains. I can't believe I only have 3 more days including today to really get lots more shop stuff done before heading back to work for 4 days.

Hope you all had a fun summer. Happy Monday! hugs, eve


Anonymous said...

hmm it dont work on my iphone :( dont know if its because i have another version ?
I love the Mylo sandwich and the apples!!

suzantzavala said...

Eve, you totally made me smile too. Been taking screen shots from my Iphone...very cool. Not being particularly techy either, these simple tricks really make my day!

Anonymous said...

okay..i sooooo didn't even know about that trick! lol!

Kelli said...

Love the Mylo sandwich! But then I love just about any sandwich that has golden retriever hair in it! (which it seems is all our sandwiches lately)

syshet said...

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Anonymous said...

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