No I'm not drunk - lol! We're pregnant (well at least I am). Would really like to insert happy face here but have been feeling too crappy to do so - LOL!! Was trying to make it up the stairs to the bedroom on Sunday afternoon to lie down but as you can see, I didn't make it. Eddie thought it was hilarious to take a photo. So there you go - thought it'd be a fun way to tell the news:).
BTW, does anybody have good home remedies to help with my new unwanted friend (who's apparently staying for another month or so - at least let's hope so) named nausea? Mrs. Ginger Ale has been my new best friend a few days ago but I'm really trying to keep up with the healthy eating/drinking for the little one.
Hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves. xo, eve
Congrats! We just found out we're pregnant with our second child. No morning sickness yet...but the first time around was AWFUL. Whatever you do, do NOT eat red popsicles. I had so many women tell me popsicles would help. WRONG. On so many levels! Ginger snaps helped, saltines, apples (weird, I know), lemon flavored sodas, and grapes. That's about all I ate for the first few weeks.
Hope that helps! I feel for you!
Congratulations! What wonderful news! Sorry to hear about the nausea. Try to hang in there. Most importantly, keep hydrated, because being sick does not help in this area at all! I heard eating a cracker before you even get out of bed helps; someone even suggested eating it before you sit up. Otherwise, the ginger ale might be the best bet for a while. Don't fret though, I remember getting to the second trimester and the nausea disappeared like someone flipping a light switch. Good luck and best wishes to you and your family!
oh hurray! being a mom is the absolute best thing ever! here's a few nausea tips: http://www.webmd.com/baby/managing-morning-sickness
Congratulations! I'm nearly 38 weeks along in my first pregnancy and, boy does it go by fast!!
Hang in there, Champ, the sickness will pass in no time. I'd just keep down anything you can at this point and get your veggies in during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. :)
oh so exciting!! Congrats to you!!
Congratulations to you!
Big congrats to you!! I have no remedies to share, I suffered through it without ever having found a cure. I hope you find one though!!
i ate bran muffin - and bannanas! so happy for you! and you look beautiful even on the stairs! wink wink
Le Anne Bull
Congrats!!!! Life changes and so will the nausea. The only constant is change. Hang in there!
Congratulations to you, Eddie and Mylo. Your next adventure is beginning. Enjoy the ride!!!
congratulations! to you, don't worry you feel like you can't get through it at the time, but it gets better. sometimes lemon drops help (candy) and saltines (which i never liked too much) rice would help too...
good luck. hope you feel better soon.
Congratulations...to you and your hubby....take care....aloha Liann
First, congratulations Eve! What fun news. The not fun part is the nausea. Ugh! It's been 22 years since I've been pregnant but I remember it all too well. Good luck getting through it -- one day you will realize that all of a sudden there's no nausea and it will be a joyous day!!! Hang in there!
Hi Eve - Congratulations to you and Eddie! I had all day morning sickness with my last pregnancy and found that sipping iced water helped keep the queasies at bay. Chinese tea helped too - the sort you get with yum cha. While my morning sickness lasted, all I could manage would be a few jelly beans and my iced water until around 6pm when I would become intensely interested in food. Enjoy being pregnant, it's so special.
Congratulations!!!!! It's going to be GREAT despite this stage right now... promise : )
The old school saltine crackers worked for me. My friend did Jamba Juice... i know it's too cold specially in the winter, but hey, whatever works!
Awesome awesome news! FYI, my sis in law who's been trying for 2 years got pregnant 6 months into Bikram yoga. I think Bikram is simply magical ; )
Yay - knew it!! Congratulations!! :-) Sorry to hear you're feeling so sick though - that's not so good. Ginger helped me most, maybe try ginger biscuits, or lemon and ginger fruit tea? Just tiny nibbles of food items and tiny sips of drinks! But I hope it passes soon x
Congratulations!!! Hope you feel better soon!!
yay!!!! that is wonderful news!
I've heard good things about ginger, but can't say it ever worked for me.
The only thing I remember helping was eating small amounts all day long rather than actual meals. Seemed like I got sick if I went more than a couple of hours without munching on something.
Congrats, and good luck! :)
Congratulations to you both!
I found that Lemon and Ginger tea helped and rich tea biscuits.
Congratulations! I had morning sickness with both my boys and found that having some plain crackers by my bed (like Saltines) was helpful. I would have one or two before I got out of bed to settle my tummy. I also found peppermints to be helpful and just forcing myself to eat small, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.
lol great photo ;)
and congratulations :)
Congrats! The travel wrist bands (that have a little sphere in them-applies pressure to an trigger point) worked wonders for me!
no helpful remedies. sorry. but wanted to send you a big congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS! How super wonderful for you both! Yay!
Eat something small and dry (muffin, crackers) before you even sit up from bed in the morning. Eat throughout the day. And be grateful for the nausea... less chance of miscarriage with morning morning sickness.
Congrats!! not on the nausea but on the pregnancy - HOW EXCITING!
as for nausea suggestions - I think everyone is a little different but making sure I had a little something on my stomach at all times really helped --- kept pretzels and crackers by my bed ;)
Congrats!!! How awesome. :)
The only thing that helped me was lots and lots and lots of sleep. An occasional cracker and water. Good luck with everything.
Oh thats awesome!!!! All my best to you both!!! =)
Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Those were the culprit for me, made me puke everytime. Mylo's gonna love having a baby around! Our Golden held our friend's crawling baby down with one paw so he could clean the baby's ears. I was appalled, the mom thought it was funny.
CONGRATULATIONS! :) How exciting! :)
I hope you start to feel better soon!
ah you poor girl...morning sickness stinks! i loved mini wheats, oatmeal square cereal & mashed potatoes & gravy from KFC to calm the tummy troubles.
Oh wow! And congratulations! I have five and each one is different. The constant for me to help with morning sickness was eggs, and they had to be scrambled. I read somewhere during #2 that there is something in the yolk that helps with nausea. Good luck and have fun, there is nothing quite like the first pregnancy! They are all good but your first is well ... your FIRST!
congrats on your little one! ginger ale was my BEST friend when i was pregnant...along with crackers. keep them next to your bed. when you awaken, sit up SLOWLY and eat a few BEFORE you get up. this kept mrs nausea at bay (for me!) i'll be praying for you!
I can't tell you how excited
I am when I read this piece of
news ^^
enjoy your pregnancy while you
can because it's a whole
different level once the kid is
out :D
as for remedies, I'm not too
sure since I left the nausea alone.
usually, I can't put anything
in my mouth when I'm feeling
pukish >.<
maybe while you're in the middle
of your pregnancy, you may want
to start on that baby art journal
kit that I requested XD
Congrats, congrats! That is great news. Sorry, I never had children so no remedies, but hopefully the nausea will subside quickly!
You're not going to like me, but my all day sickness wasn't relieved by anything, except giving birth.
But I wish yours stops soon like its sposed to!
HUGE congrats to you!! Eddie was right, that pic is hilarious, although i SO know how you feel! the only thing that helped for me was custard, vanille taste. don't know if you have it there (i'm from the Netherlands) but it really helped. hang in there, only a few more months to go....
Congratulations! A baby is such a wonderful blessing. the only things that seemed to help me were saltine crackers, ginger snaps, and ginger tea. the tea while not as tasty as the ginger ale seemed to work better for me. Hang in there, and focus on the reward in the end.. that precious little one.
:)linda t
eating apples really helped with my nausea (which hung around until week 16). Congrats!!!
Congrats on the morning sickness! LOL....I mean pregnancy. I don't have many tips except eat dry goods, and wait to brush your teeth....if you can wait...it might help.
CONGRATS!!! I love babies! Unfortunately, they can cause a whirlwind of nausea, and other not so good feelings. The most important thing, is to stay hydrated. I had to go to the hospital a few times because it was so bad (think 4 hours to let one bag of IV fluids drip). Eat and drink whatever you can for now, as long as it keeps you feeling well. Try Preggie Pops. They're made of ginger and essential oils, and it helps with hydration. I found them at a local maternity shop, but I'm sure they're online.
Oh wow, congrats! And I totally feel you on those gotta-sit-down-or-I'm-gonna-puke moments, I had them up until about 3 weeks ago (and I'm 20 Weeks!)
I was terrible at fighting the nausea, all I can say is eat eat eat, seems to work. And avoid the bathroom if you feel nauseous, it'll just encourage you to throw up more.
Congratulations!! I had horrible morning sickness with all three kids till about week 14 and then within two weeks it was gone. Lemon drops helped a lot, dry cereal and a motion sickness band on my wrist helped. It was so bad with #2 and #3 the doctor prescribed Zofran which helped tremendously. Best wishes and I hope it passes soon.
Congrats!! I thought that was what yours news was going to be!! Super exciting! Can't wait to see your new little albums with baby pics in them :) Hang in there, hope you feel better soon.
Congrats Eva!! Packages of crackers in your purse. You just gotta make sure your stomach is never really empty. That is why there is morning sickness....no food in the tummy when you wake up and get out of bed. I kept them on the night side table to make sure I ate some before I actually got out of bed.....helped me! Good luck on the next few months of not knowing which end is up....just wait until you get pregnancy brain!!! Then you really feel silly!!
YAAAAY!!! Congratulations Eve and Eddie and Mylo ;) I'm so happy for you! :)
Hugs :) LA
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