I have so much shop stuff to do but absolutely can't stand the rest of the mess that's still lingering in the studio like my boxes and piles of scrap paper so I spent a few hours yesterday and today going through them all and sorting them into 3 piles: keep, special/vintage papers (also keep) & donate (to my MIL's friend's grandkids). So happy to say it's done!!

Then I moved on to my containers of alphabet stickers & rubons. It feels good to purge even though it's not much stuff. Made a pile that was worthwhile to do a giveaway with...
To enter into this drawing, leave me a comment on what your thoughts are on alphabets stickers & rubons. Love them or dislike them? I used to love all sorts of alphabets but I mainly stick with stamps now. Find that I never run out of letters and I can stamp them in any colour I want:).
I'll draw a lucky winner on Friday March 19 @ 10pm PST.
I love stamping, but I will never stop loving the alphabet stickers :) Thickers are probably my fave right now. And rub-ons intimidated me at first, but once you master it, it's gravy :) Thanks for the goodie giveaway!
I love any kind of letters. I don't have nearly enough. I don't stamp that much so I am always using rub-ons or other kinds of alphabets. Thanks for a chance to win!
Love them all! Rub-on's are a bit tedious though ;) Thickers are my fav! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Um..okay..I'll say that: I'm an alphabet freak! :D I started scrapbooking only a while ago but I already know that I love those stickers and rub-ons too! I've always had a spot for letters of any kind :) So thank you for this amazing giveaway!
I've never really got the hang of stamping so I find stickers work better for me. And I love love love stickers. They can mix and match (or not!) and they make lovely monogram embellishments and they are all sorts of sizes...
I love any kind of stickers so letters are great for me and my projects. Especially love them to address birthday cards, etc. Very fun. Thanks for the chance!
*love* them - absolutely *love* them!! I love to mix things up within a layout or mini album, so I do like to have a good selection in my stash :-) Well done you having such a clear-out x
I'm still in love with alpha stickers even though I've got the die cut machines and stamps. Just love that I don't have to gather adhesive, I guess. :) It would make my birthday if you chose me! ;)
I have to admit I have a weakness for rubons. I love the quick quotes I can pass for journaling when I'm stumped. I do use my Cricut more often for titles than my stickers lately. Don't think you can ever have enough - it's all about choices :O)
I love alphabet stickers but not a big fan of rubons. I guess it's neater to use the stickers than stamping/rubons for me. I just end of smearing stamped letters ALL the time! =) Awesome giveaway!!
I love letter stickers and rubons. They each have a purpose. I love the dimension letter stickers (especially thickers)create. But I like how rubons can look like journaling on the page.
i LOVE sticker'd alphas. they always come in handy and the cutest designs/colors!!
I absolutely love alphabet stickers....and stamps, I use them on almost every layout I make!
I have quite a few alphabet stickers. I love Thickers right now. And I'm dying to have a Silhouette (I used to print out my font in reverse on cardstock and cut it out with an x-acto, but it just got too time consuming).
I'm obsessed with them! I feel I collect more than I use... lol!
LOVE me some alpha stickers. Never got in to stamps ... and I can never have enough alphabets! I'm just starting to mix and match in hopes of putting a dent in my stash. :)
I like rub ons and stickers but use similar kinds of each. That way I can mix and match and it still looks pretty much coordinated. I've tried to do the mis matched thing and it's not for me, bothers me too much.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I can't get enough of them - alphabets in any shape or form. Definately a fav product of mine (that and patterned paper!)
I stamp a lot, but I love rub-ons. I haven't used stickers much, but I am attempting to use them in my layouts.( be more creative)
alphabets are #1 with me--i love that i can use any kind, any size anu way i want--and if i run out of letters i just stamp them on--LOVE IT!!
LOVE them i cant seem to get enough of thickers! theyre addicting! i love the way they give a pgae dimension and texture!
Love 'em. I used to cut letters out of cardstock for hours. I can't imagine being strong enough to part with my stash. You are a better woman than I.
woohoo! i love any and all letters (not a fan of my own handwriting) - HOWEVER stickers are my fave... but lately i have been contemplating stamps also - i like the idea of never running out of them ;)
I'm definitely a fan of alphabet ANYTHING! I think the look of print is so classic and goes with absolutely everything. Rubons are a little harder to use, but I love how subtle they can be. I would stamp my letters, but I think I'm just too lazy to do that. =)
Oh my goodness! That's alphabet heaven! I am all about stickers and rubons now! I have a few alpha stamp sets, but don't tend to get them out as much. Hmmmm, gonna have to challenge myself to get them out again. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love all alphas...stickers, rubons, stamps... love it all. Thanks for the chance to win (hope you pick me--my birthday is the 19th!)
I LOVE alphabet stickers - I love to use different types, fonts, etc. in my titles, etc. I find that I have alot of different uses with them!!! I have rub-ons, but I always forget to use them!!!
I'm a thicker, rub-on, sticker girl....not enough patience for stamps1
I am new to scrapbooking and I haven't used any alphabet stickers or rub-ons yet. It will be fun to try them! Thank you for the chance at your fabulous giveaway!
I also run out of E's & A's & S's. But I do like the ease of letters. Rub-ons, not so sure as I haven't really used them.
My favorite thing to use is rub-ons- there's just something about them! I don't mind stickers, but I prefer rub-ons.
I have a few stamp alphabets, and what I love about them is that I never run out of letters... I just tend to make more of a mess where ink is involved. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love stickers. I also love having an assortment, so I don't feel like I am restricted to just a few different schemes. Rub-ons are pretty good too. They remind me of my childhood when I used to have lots of rub-on scenes and stickers to play with.
I love alphabets in every way shape and form, that's why it took me years before buying a diecut system because I know I won't stop collection alphas in every way shape and form :0
I am addicted to rub ons! I have a binder of all alpha and I am always adding to my stash-thanks for the chance to win!
I use alphabet stickers sometimes. Don't really use rub-ons, but I tend to use alphabet stamps a lot more because they are reusable and versatile.
i LOVE rubons! they are my favorite! thicker is my favorite brand of letter stickers... i think it just adds something to the layout.
i've never tried stamping. i'm not brave enough :/
I have a lot of alphabet stickers but continue to buy more .... the different fonts, texture and colors add a lot of pizzaz especially to projects with and for children.
However, I think stamps are way more economical and practical. No running out of "s's" or buying large amounts when trying to create a uniform album look.
I'm teaching my 2 years old boy ABC at the moment and these alphabets stickers are just perfect for my teaching source!
i love alphabets - I use them a lot to label things in my office and around the house so I get more use out of them than i would stamps. I do have a couple of stamp sets but find I dont use them very often.
Thanks !
i love alpha stickers, rub ons, anything that has font types! but it can be a bit hard to use them cos they are simply too awesome :) stamps can always be repeated. heheh i will never 'run out' of them :) thanks for the giveaway!
Oh HO!! Rubon alphas can be the undoing of me!! Yet I still perservere!! Love my alpha stickers too - love to mix them up or paint over them if I dont have enough or need a different colour!!
And oooooooooh yes....love my stamps too! (big smile)
Fab giveawaY!!!
If I had to choose I would say stickers are my favourite over rub ons...but raised stickers (like Thickers)...I put flat stickers & rub ons in the same category...love them but they will never be Thickers to me :) I don't think I've ever stamped alphabets...how strange of me! Would love to win your stash though!
Will you come to my house and purge for me?!?
I like stamping and letter stickers.
Thanks for a chance to win
I love letter stickers, especially those thickers. But it is a pain when those vowels are all gone and hard to get them to spell the right words, then I normally build up my letters from cutting from other letters and join them together, still I have some that just couldn't do anything to it.
I LOVE letter stickers. (Rub-ons... not so much) I like the stamp, too, but that will never stop me from buying cute alpha stickers!
I LOVE alphabet stickers, so easy and fun to quickly communicate a message!
I love alphas - its like a staple to me and a must buy everytime i step into the LSS. But i do acknowledge that there is plenty of wastage in using the stickers as I have never been able to use up any 1 sheet!
I love alphabets; stickers, rub-ons etc and always run out of them.
Maybe I should use stamps instead?
I cross my fingers and toes for this giveaway!
thickers are my addiction! i have so so many of them! they always come in handy and i can even mix and match! :)
I love alphas, mostly stickers. I never use stamps, don't know why. :D
I love alphas! only because I can choose to pop them up or stick them down. and there's so many colours to choose from as well as different fonts (:
I love alphabet stickers and rub-ons, I could never have too many! Thanks for the chance to win. :)
WOW!!! What a fabulous stash! I love rub-ons especially, but also have some alphabets and stamps. My absolute favorite thing is to cut letters from magazines and use them all jumbled up! Winning this stash would seroiusly make my day! Oh and you could send Mylo along with it!
I love alphabet stickers! I only have a couple though, so it always ends up I don't have the right one for my project.. Thanks for the chance to win!
Love my alpha's!
My favorite ones are the mini ones that making Memories does... in many colors! My all time favorite ones!
i like the idea of stamping but hate the mess...I LOVE letter stickers and use them on most layouts. Rubons are even better because they look more custom to me.
Good job with the clean out. I really haven't used the Alphabet stickers. I really want to though but I think I'd use them more for initials or as the first letter of words. I am new to crafting/scrapbooking, believe it or not, and I realized that my style is simple and not too foofy.
I love alphabets and rub ons. Alphabets are my favorite scrap product! I have alpha stamps as well, but I usually end up using stickers. Thank you for the giveaway. :)
I still LOVE them. I am just not as much a fan of stamping.
I love all alphabets, stickers, rub ons, stamps. I probably use stickers the most, but I just love alphabets.
i love love love alphabets!! i find that the colour and font and texture of the sticker/rub-on can really set the mood/theme/tone for the page... love itttt! :D
Love stamping. Hate stickers. Although, I used to use tons of alphabet stickers.
I love fonts so I love any method of using them. I mostly use them for personalised cards, and it gets difficult if nieces have a surfeit of the same letters! I've never used a rub-on but I like to see them.
I just found your site. Very creative buttons! Thank you, Lori
I love alphabet stickers of all kind!but I agree with you stamp are better! Thank you for the wonderful give away :)
I have a crazy addiction to alphabet packages. I swear i must have at least a 120 different packs. And i just keep buying more. They're just so stinkin cute to me. I do love a good rub on and have quite a few. I just love that you can pretty much stick them onto anything. My fingers are crossed for the giveaway! I promise if i win to give all the goodies a good home :)
I used to use alphabet stickers but now I am addicted to chipboard letters and thickers. I can place them on a layout and see how they look before I commit to glueing them on. On the otherhand I love rub-ons - esspecially on acrylic albums. Ohh how I would love to to win your giveaway!!!!!
Guess I can´t live without letters - in any form! I use stamps a lot when I´m art journaling, but I tend to use stickers or rubons whenever scrapbook... Huh, interesting!
Love from Sabina
I love letterstickers. I like all kinds of letters. I'm a Graphic Designer and I work with letters all the time.
I like the challenge letterstickers give me when I search for the right color, font and all the letters I need for my scrappage!
I love letter stickers but I like them to have some dimension, which is why I love AC's Thickers. And I wish rub-ons were easier to get off- I would use them more if they were!
I love alphas but I rarely think to look ahead to make sure I have enough letters to spell out the whole word or phrase. Most often, I run out of one or two letters and have to improvise. That always sucks. I'm not much of a stamper, I prefer the texture and dimension of stickers.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I just rediscovered my alphabet stickers. I was going to buy some more, so if I win this wonderful prize I won't have to!!!!!
Totally love Alphabet stickers--I don't have enough patience for rub-ons. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thickers are my go-to alphabets! I love rub ons...heck I love it all!
i love letters so much, but it's always a problem because i use certain letters way too much and i'm left with the Qs and Zs.
I recently found out how to use rub ons and now i'm in love!
thanks for the giveaway and i hope i win!
I love letters and rub-ons! Although I have 2 alphabet stamp sets I find that I always turn to my alphabet stickers. There are just so many great styles, colors, and sizes out there! Thanks for the chance to win some!
I love stickers and stamps the most. Rub-ons scare me a little.
i like titles to stand out, so i love alphabet stickers, especially thickers!
thanks so much for the giveaway :)
I love rub-ons of any kind. I really like the vintage feel they add to a page when they don't rub on exactly how you want it! I like alphabet stickers, too. I enjoy making things using rub-ons, stickers, and stamps to add dimension, so I think they're all necessities!
I have always been a fan of rub-ons and have just started using the American Crafts Thickers on some of my projects...... My only problem is that I run out of all the A's, E's, I's, O's & U's!!! The scrapping company that sells these letters in sheets will make a fortune!!!
I love alphabet letters but enjoy sticking them in different directions. Can never get them straight lined so I gave up. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I've got many alphabet stickers but I don't dare using most of them because they're so precious :-) silly. So I stamp a lot but I still love buying and keeping alphabet stickers, especially Thickers.
I am not very keen on rub-ons though, somehow they never seem to work right and I messed up to many projects, therefore I hardly ever buy any.
Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy
I couldn't scrapbook without alphas. I've never really caught onto stamping but I'm trying!!
I love alphas! I can´t have enough....so pick me!
I still collect and love letter stickers. I have become more particular about the color-pretty much just black or white now. Rub-ons have never been a favorite-too time consuming. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love having a variety of alphabets on hand. Stamps, stickers, and rubons all have a different look/feel, so I like having the variety and option to see what will fit the project! Thanks for a chance to win all of these goodies!
I love any alphabets, but always run out of H, A and N's - the reason? Because my daughter's name is "Hannah" with 2 h's, 2 a's and 2 n's!!
I love stamping but My love is thickers!!! I would love to win!!
I love stickers and recently discovered the Thickers (yeah, I don't get out much). I stamp like I have two left hands so definately a fan of stickers and never seem to have enough:) Great giveaway!
I lurve them all, anything that spells a word - I talk for england and I use letters for england!! LOL
I like the idea of stamping but don't like cleaning them up, so I guess that makes me a sticker/rub on kind of girl!
I love alpha stickers. They are so easy to use and so different in style. Love your giveaway!! Bye Irene
I love the stickers and rubs but I find I am altering them more and more. I will add chipboard backing or stickles, diamond glaze, or stitch over them. I like to add dimension and texture to them. -Alisa
I love all three !! I like making cards & i use all of the three in making them !!
Thanks for a chance to win !
I use stamps too, but I love stickers! I've used rub-ons in the past, but they're not my favorites right now. Great giveaway! :)
oooooooooh, it'd be so fun to win this lovely giveaway :). I like alphabet stickers and rub-ons! It's easier and quicker to use than stamps + I can't allow myself to buy lots of alphabet stamp sets if I want to have many fonts and sizes, but buying many stickers and rub-ons is much cheaper, especially that using the same stamp set over and over again might make me get tired of the same font, so lots of different stickers and rub-ons are better for me :).
Thank you *so* much for the great giveway & your blog!
P.s. it's fun to read the other comments that readers posted here :). Thanks!
I love alphastickers....especially thickers. They are my new BFF. Love the idea of alpha stamps, but I I have a hard time getting them straight (A type personality)....as for rub ons.....I love the look of them so much, and the versatility, bu they are so hard to get on without a wrinkle....again "A type" personality. LOL
All in All, I love alphas!!!!
Your baby belly is so darn cute!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win some of your letter stash! I love them and use them regularly. :o)
wow! what a great array of letters. Thanks for sharing.
OH WOW!!! I LOVE alphabet stickers, stamps, rub ons...you name it. It just gives the hodge-podge sort of look!!
I put mine aside for awhile and recently pulled them out again. Plan on using more of the alpha stickers and rub-ons in a mixed match kind of way. I always did love how fast and easy they worked for titles.
I know what you mean about running out of letters, but I still love alphabet stickers and rub ons regardless and would love to win the pack!
I like the occasional alphabet stickers (especially THICKERS). . .I can make a word more on a straight line than with stamps which I usually get all over the squiggly place!
I've used some rub-ons that were just fantastic, little or no effort & great result. . .others, not so much. I'm much more apt to grab stickers over rub-ons.
Love Alphabets! I use alphabet stickers on every layout I can.
love. love. love. alphabet stickers. i just love letters in general--and such great fonts to drool over!
thanks for chance to win!
I really love alphabet stickers. I got a Cricut from my mom for Christmas this past year and have really enjoyed using it for letters, but there's just something about the stickers I will always appreciate.
I love the versatility and simplicity in using alphabet stickers, but I hate running out of the letters I use the most. I've started stamping just recently, but I do love it, so I guess I'm a sucker for both. I should take a stand, but I'm like winnie the pooh. I'll take both! :)
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